
Half Way to Ugly

by Alison McKenzie

Half way to ugly.
I kind of like the way it rolls
Off my tongue and onto the ground
Into the dirt,
Hot summer grit of
Over-sunned foliage.

Half way to ugly,
And the miles just keep pilin’' up -
Cost of fuel
Not holding back
The years, the tears, the fears.
My feet are lead
But they keep moving.

Where is this road headed
And why can’t I keep my teeth?
My hair shoulders
The last of my youth,
Course, gray spikes
Just now
Sprouting through
Hot summer grit of
Over-sunned tresses.

I never wanted this,
Suffering the gilt edge of
Weapon’s' wielded tongue,
Burdened by every head
Ever lobbed in tyranny’'s fear.

I never wanted this,
Your youth shriveling
In the waning light of
Whatever it is I have left -
I'’m half way to ugly
And you shouldn'’t go there,
No matter how much
You love me.


Author's Note: Not exactly how I feel entirely, I just liked "half way to ugly" and so I ran with it.

Posted on 07/13/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 07/13/07 at 07:56 PM

Geez Alison. I love it. Did I detect the tick/tock of a new gray hair counter?

Posted by Timothy Somers on 07/13/07 at 08:40 PM

Excellent write. Very much enjoyed.But you do know, ugly creeps out from inside...

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/13/07 at 10:34 PM

...aging does that to, ahh those over 30 the youth used to say...good golly miss molly!!! i been ugly for years nahahaha, good write alison, pictures us appropriately and the dreading you speak of and the intro is definitely attention-getting...peace, chaz

Posted by Mo Couts on 07/02/11 at 04:03 PM

Wow, Ali--this poem says a mouthful and brings out a multitude of feelings; very well written! (But, just wanted to let you know: I think you're all the way to beautiful, my sweet friend! <3)

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