
Ephemeral Sphere

by Alison McKenzie

Ephemeral sphere spins round and round
The clock is ticking its
Tick tock sound
While you and I and other souls
Remain amongst the bound

Look left and right
And right and left
Become the sorrowed tear, bereft
And navigate through gaping knolls
The edge of canyon’s cleft

I sit in awe
Admiring night
Anticipate the dawning light
When contemplation questions rise
Intimidating height

Twinkle twinkle little star
I puzzle on
Just who you are
Or if you house a species wise
I wonder from afar

To stay is death
And this I know
I’d rather leave than die a slow
And suffering smile steels ‘cross my face
Enjoyment does bestow

I sheath a sword
Of sweet demise
And all that gloried love belies
O’ save myself from time’s disgrace
The human compromise


Author's Note: Title borrowed with permission from my love's comment on a previous poem.

Posted on 07/12/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 07/12/07 at 01:38 PM

One of my favorite words when I first became fascinated with words and writing was ephemeral so I am intrigued and delighted by your poem. I love the flow of your verses and the rhyme has a nice rhythm. Nice read. smh

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