

by Alison McKenzie

228 poems,
Full of words,
The full condition of
My heart in moments;
Snap shots
And eternity in black and white.

People coming and going;
Record of joys, sorrows, insanity
And recompensed attempts
To reconcile the whole
In one lifetime or many.
Does it matter?
You can’t take it with you,
Neither the memories.

Will it ever come together,
Comprehensive compilation
Of moments that make any sense at all?
I am anchored in love,
Sense pleasures of this realm
Binding me to this reality.
I prefer to leave it,
(Well, don't I?)
For higher aspirations of
Union with the Creator.

Confusion sets in
And I spin on the ride
Screaming at the operator to
Let me off.
He stares away from me
In oblivion or bliss,
I can't tell which.


Author's Note: *shaking my head* I don't get it. And the older I get, the more data I have, the more complicated the equation, the less I seem able grasp what is true. I am told it's all illusion, and I keep thinking, "alright then, take me to someplace real."

Posted on 07/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 07/10/07 at 09:07 PM

Yeah, well, you and me both. Heh. Nicely put.

Posted by A. Paige White on 07/10/07 at 11:34 PM

I'm with y'all. I always thought when I grew older and wiser I'd get more answers but all I've found is that it gives you more data to make the questions harder. Great write.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/11/07 at 01:39 PM

...alison, questions! questions!, always questions...and only fragments of answers...but like paige and gabriel say: "tis a great write"...all the things you mention haunt me also...peace, chaz

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 07/15/07 at 05:20 PM

I love, first of all, that you've counted your poems. I've lived longer, and they are harder to count, but I aspire to that someday. You spun a fine web of words to catch what tends to slip through...and really, I think where it all does come together, and just about only there... in art, in the poetry of life, and the knowing that others before, now, after, feel it too. You catch us in your web to ponder what slips through it! And all aspire to the formulation of transforming life into art.

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