Blonde Picnic by Timothy SomersBlond halo in the sun,
toss of head to stir the glints
and silvered lights that trace your form,
in springtime's warm delight
astride the sunbeam.
Face in shadow framed in brightest light of love,
and glistening passion's beaded trace.
Strong shoulders forming shade that I might see you.
Stabs of sun between your arm and breast
when sliding,
shifting anxiousness controls you.
Losing you to you.
Then you to me.
And squirm
to burn me down
beneath the gasps
and breathy sighs
you shower on my chest.
Grind me to the earth
to plant my soul in fertile ground,
my shadowed planting deep,
and firm,
and warmed,
with springtime sun.
Renew my soul with loving force,
spring joins us now as one.
07/04/2007 Posted on 07/04/2007 Copyright © 2025 Timothy Somers