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When I Look At You From Afar

by Jeffrey Parren

I saw you from across the room
doing something you still think
I am disgusted and revolted by
but in reality I see our future
when I look at you from afar.

It feels like my love isn't good enough
to convince you I am the real thing
or to help you get passed whatever
grudges you think I may have
towards you and your ways.

All I aim to do is make you smile
adding to happiness while
erasing a past perhaps toilsome
not to assume my judgement
but know my intentions are good.

You hear me tell you what is wrong
but in actuality I voice my opinion
so you know at every moment
where I am coming from and thinking
so you never have to ask again.

I understand the stressors of life
that even you are going through
but you don't want to hear that
rather acknowledgement I suppose;
just know I am learning, too.

So when I say something painful
it may not sound it inside my head
and I need you to tell me that
so I can explain and rectify
any problems that may arise.

I saw you from across the room
doing everything my love does
and I can't help falling in love
as every moment passes together
when I look at you from afar.


Posted on 07/04/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

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