
Breath's Hourglass

by Alison McKenzie

The moon undresses me
Tidal waves pulling, edging closer
Gravitational influence beaconing me
Tugging at the pretense
Wooing me into the shadows of this illusion
I want to go home
It’s dark
I can’t see
Groping, hesitant
Afraid to grasp the next mass
Solidity formed for pleasures
I have never known

We live in artifice
Arrogant structures of
Brick and mortar
This apparition always empty
Someplace I cannot remain
The shoe never fits
And the arduous journey
Steals the metered breaths
My breasts heaving in the
Atmospheric pressure of time
Always blazing the trail forward
Though I would not

Transparent hands that disappear
In the mist of this elaborate mirage
Aren’t you thirsty
But nothing to satiate?
Is there no merciful God
Who might save us from this destiny
For no politician, nor physician,
Nor minister, nor congregation
Can undo it.


Author's Note: Puncuation at a later date. Nothing like a good dose of pessimism in the morning...LOL

Posted on 07/04/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Tony Whitaker on 07/05/07 at 07:49 AM

Pessimisn or not this was fun to read with all the imagery, the hypothetical and a few cliches that make this a wonderful piece!

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