
To Abigail on Her 18th Birthday

by Ashley Lane

I'm not saying I'm replacing love
for some other word.
To describe the tie that bound me to you.
I'm just saying we've mistaken one
for thousands of words.

Woman-girl Jezebel protégé,
you came with wide eyes
of hardened stone.
Heathen spirits have raped
your spirit and relished in
the bloody malay.

You call God's holiest men
men who burn their fingers
with candles they use
to light our way.

I'm not saying love's a plaything.
No, it's a powerful word.

I gave you no promises, yet
I still surrendered my conscience
and you accepted my white flag
with a half-smirk and a cat's eye.

If there is a light of God,
then he blights all hypocrites.
He takes their made-up wounds
and forever pricks.

You say you suffer in the name
of truth and justice.
I say you like how the brimstone
highlights the contours of your face.

I know that your feelings are tender.
I know inside you embers still glow.

We watch. Because, like a carriage
tumbled and ablaze,
you are too tragic to avoid.

I want to say I care and
that you matter. I
want to say that my heart carved
a haven for you to reside.

But no.

In your Children's Crusade, you led
a town into outstretched arms of
lust and anger and all the sins
they warned you about in Sunday School

So with this, Abigail, I bid you
good riddance. Let the legends of
your whoredom scatter and dissolve.
We will be all the better.


Author's Note: Italicized lines are from "Jezebel" by 10,000 Maniacs. Written in response to The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

Posted on 07/04/2007
Copyright © 2025 Ashley Lane

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