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Aunt Jemima Curation

by Jeffrey Parren

I'd hate to think too much
but then again it is what I do best
so when my mind constantly works
I find it hard to sit idly by
with a constant stirring inside
the pancake mix of my grey matter
starts to heat up and brown
golden ravenous enjoyment
it eats away at itself
until nothing is left but sleep
to ignore ever-present
Aunt Jemima curation.


Posted on 06/28/2007
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 06/28/07 at 05:49 PM

My taste buds really liked this. Now I want pancakes. Loaded with butter and syrup. After a nap.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/30/07 at 12:38 PM

A bit of tongue-in-cheek making fun of yourself. Brought a chuckle. (And it is breakfast time and I am getting hungry--for food, not grey matter! LOL!!)

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