
The Slight Stench Of "You're Lying To Me"

by Jersey D Gibson

I know you...

Your that guy who always thought he was cool, yeah, the one who thought he was hot shit. You stood in the forefront with your smile and your looks, ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. Your the prom date that no girl wanted, so you rented an escort so that all the other guys and girls could be jealous, and laughed with your friends when you got the clap, but on the inside, they were laughing at you. Your the guy who got the job because your dad knew the right people and pulled the right strings. You were an empty title with the word "VP" in front of it, yet really equated to nothing, just like you. Yeah... I know you.

When the day is done and you go home to a plastic barbie doll wife and two reckless teenagers who don't know the value of honest work or values, do you look in the mirror and cringe? Have you ever stopped to smelled the roses, and only found garbage? Did you think that walking on people would elevate you faster, or just give you that happy-happy feeling that you weren't all the way at the bottom... with us; the lowly ones who worked for it all. I think I know you.

Years have past and yet you still got that winning smile as you pull strings now for your irresponsible offspring, tact and morals be damned. You sit on top on a loftly position with a whole bunch of "yes" men who praise you every time you have a successful bowel movement, while the rest of us hold our breaths, because it stinks, just like ours. People with better educations, better chances, better everything, looked at you and frowned, yet you flashed that winning smile. I know you... I know you all too well.

The time has come for you to step down, yet you've got everything under control, right? The best man for the job and all that good shit? Pardon me as I don't hold my breath for someone with a better vision, a better education, or at least a better vocabulary comes to help you move out. No, it's one of your friends, one of the guys who came over to your house and looked at all your nice things and complimented you on your tastes, because he wears all the same things, says all the same things, does all the same things. He's a clone to you, aren't you proud? Sadly, I know you.

That day has come, and never has someone done so much with so little, so true when it comes to you. But you'll flash us that winning smile, give us that knowing wink, expect us to wipe away those sorrowful tears. Instead, we're smiling back, because the moment you come down to our level, we're going to jump up and down on you with both feet, and it's going to hurt. We'll even flash you our winning smile. Because we know you, you son-of-a-bitch, we know you all too well...


Posted on 06/21/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Boulender on 07/11/07 at 06:31 AM

was this inspired by henry rollins' "i know you"?

On another note, i have to comment on the subject matter here. These types of people are the fault of the collective whole that allows them to run things I think. Sort of like how the stupidity of a large percentage of the voter base is responsible for allowing (and believing) stupid politicians (and this is NOT a partisian statement at all) to be voted into all levels of office. For instance, the voters make huge fusses over stuff that doesn't matter during elections. They deserve what they get then if they are going to do that. This seems sort of off topic, but its not. I guess my point is, there are a lot of stupid people in many different worlds, say the corporate world, the music biz, whatever, who are running things. But other people continually allow them to. So its kind of their fault too for going along with it and giving these people any power at all. We buy into the fact that people are apt and capable and talented just because they say they are and just because they want to do something that should require them to be so. We shouldn't do that. We should be critical and use better measurements or something.

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