
Can We Still?

by Alisa Js

can we ever make up for lost time
recapture those years we've missed,
get back to the beginning
or do we simply start again, from here ...

both of us battered and torn
bruised from life's unrelenting and unexpected storms
yet, here we stand
with willing hearts, not presumptuous
it's all our minds,
honestly now
take a deep breath,
there is rapture still around to enjoy
weathered for wear,
not unbecoming, even at this stage
in our journey of life,
let's walk and savor these moments, shall we?
each one a memory
each one, adored and beloved...

take my hand
I know you're nervous and shy
that's makes two of us so far
and what's wrong with that?
we'll never know
till we try ...


Posted on 06/17/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

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