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My Debt

by Jeffrey Parren

My debt finds me adding to it daily
as I find myself too tired to write
and not wanting to sleep
because the day was wasted working
when all I want is to write a poem
get my emotions out
see this name published
next to these words
written by someone who is lost
in the possiblities of mental and
the freedom an empty wallet brings.

My debt doubles upon itself
because I won't work seven days again
and leave out the part of living
that is actually understood as living
because when responsibility
becomes a staple of the day
then your day is no better
than the blank paper
in the empty book of your autobiography
held by that staple.

My debt festers, rising APR
missed one payment
32%, hello, how are you?
Finding a life of its own it haunts
until I decide my fate includes
ridding life of plastic collectibles
that collect other materialistic endeavors
I need even less.

My debt ridicules my best judgement
because I wasn't that bad off
until I tried to invest in a gamble
which paid off only not in the way I intended.
You see, the payoff was understanding
the damage done is a life on hold
while I pay more and more to get nowhere
and until it is gone,
my debt hangs over my head
like a constant black cloud
hiding the sun but temporarily,
for it will shine bright upon my life
when I figure out a way
to extinguish dollar sign flames.


Author's Note: Just a stream of consciousness. Plopped out.

Posted on 06/17/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

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