
Silent Echoes

by Alison McKenzie

I get to this time of the month
And I’m toxic;
Spittle formed around
Words better left unspoken.

I wretch inside my own skin,
Wishing there was a way around
The bent anguish of hurricanes
Brewing just inside my lungs.

Down one avenue,
And I know where I am.
Down another
And I’m lost.

You can’t find me.
No one can.
I shrink into this tiny, worthless creature
Who can’t even fit onto the
Head of a pin.
Go ahead, swim through the layers
And layers
And layers.
You won’t find me

Bitter kingdom
Of long ago, dark shadow royalty.
Life in this generation sucks,
But we’ve just begun to reap it.

Raging storm of hormones
Beating to get out,
Everyone should just take cover.

My lips don’t move much.
There is no more screaming,
But silent echoes in my mind,
Reminding me that I haven’t come home.


Posted on 06/09/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 06/09/07 at 03:03 AM

Yeah. Chip has learned. He has two daughters that taught him well, though. He just runs for cover. When it's safe he brings a heating pad and plays with my hair. I owe Erin and Katie worlds for training him so well, lol. I feel your pain. As, I'm sure, the world we inhabit during our rabid seasons.

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 06/09/07 at 03:52 AM

For some reason, I love that third stanza most of all. I'm not sure why. I guess it's just a great image. Wonderful work.

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