
Last Chance Dog

by Alison McKenzie

It’s just her and the dog now,
A big, aggressive breed
Who never really outgrew
His tendencies
But he’s pretty good company
And he costs less than cable
So she keeps him around.

She regards her life
Differently than most.
Sure she’s overweight,
But she never smoked cigarettes,
Doesn’t drink
And occasionally the meter man
Leaves her a joint
And a joke he printed from his email.
He makes her laugh
And he’s kind of a good kisser.

She wonders about the grandkids,
Some she’s never even met.
Her children regard her as ridiculous
And she hasn’t been able to
Change their minds -
Well, not yet anyway –
And she drags out the
Bulk box of birthday cards,
Still glad they were born.
She did manage to give them something,
Even if it was just life.

The dog comes over,
Lays his head on her thigh,
Sighing breathfully
The way only canines do,
And she pets him.
It is his one endearing quality
And she’ll keep it.


Author's Note: Though I can't even BEGIN to measure his storytelling poetic style, this was so inspired by Gabriel Ricard that I had to mention it.

Posted on 06/05/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Boulender on 06/05/07 at 05:39 PM

i thought you did a pretty good job. i wouldn't mind it if someone left a joint for me, thats for sure.

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 06/21/07 at 01:35 AM

this is great and i, too, love Gabriel's style.

Posted by Lauren Singer on 05/09/08 at 05:55 PM

mm yes. i like this, see it playing out.

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/12/09 at 04:33 PM

You did aa very good job at storytelling- I could see the whole thing unfold. it had very real, vivid images and a good story- couldn't ask for much more in a piece of this gendre. Great job! i want to know what happens next.....

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