
Engaging Destiny

by Alison McKenzie

From where I stand
I am nothing -
No one -
In a pool of others,
Who, being differentiated from myself
By the proximal value of
Each expressive expanse,
Niether shrink, nor expand,
Nor whisper.

In my own regard,
I am excessively spatial -
Meaning that the space I occupy,
Substantially voluminous,
Creates a frequency
Of such solid vibrations that,
At times, unintentioned,
I wake the undead

It is the way I've engaged destiny,
Though the ironic conclusion
Of the equation's lengthy logic
Is that the inaccurate calculations
Of my dimensions
Exceed the parameters of use.

And so I do what is left to do,
Lift my voice in song
Not earthbound at all.


Author's Note: While this piece's end was excruciatingly difficult to compose, I still mean it.

Posted on 05/11/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 05/15/07 at 05:45 AM

This poem is a fine and interesting mix of humor (the second stanza makes me laugh every time) heightened awareness--the final conclusive "destiny" (which this poem embodies..."in song") and fascinating equation solving. The form is exciting too--three stanzas, 9 lines each but the last breaks after six, drops down and the last three lines sing off as the conclusion. Definitely worth the work-- a "engaging destiny" of richness and surprise, "not earthbound at all"!

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