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by Jeffrey Parren

"Pleased to meet you."

I reach out with
my constant realizations
rearing back a reluctancy
knowing the movie about
to play once again:

Instantly we are holding hands
walking down the aisle;
You look beautiful.
Uncomfort forgotten
as I gaze upon you;
smiling with a feeling
of luck: I finally found the one.

"I do."
"I do."

You constantly change
and therein lies the issue.
Tall, short, blonde, brunette,
I have married them all.
Instead of enjoying
moment to momentary bliss,
I jump to the future
and forget the present.
The end is so anticipated
that the means are rarely
rejoiced, and I fall harder.

The clash between pickiness
and time's pressure
has created a man so quick
to jump into adulthood
and all that is fatherhood
that as I grow and refine
who I am becoming
I have had little time to
revel in my own worth.

The cirularities are endless
spinning my head
to the point I regress
to five years old
sitting on a "Sit N Spin"
pushing the laws of human
and the task of standing
leaves me grasping
for something to hold
and there simply
is nothing there.


Posted on 05/09/2007
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joan Serratelli on 05/09/07 at 12:24 PM

You want a comitted relationship so badly. It will come; with patience and time. She's out there waiting for you- you will find each other! Nicely written and a good read!

Posted by Maria Terezia Ferencz on 05/12/07 at 10:24 AM

You constantly change and therein lies the issue. Yes indeedy therein is the rub!

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