

by Alisa Js

Moving through each day as a severed head
Struggling to find these words,
Thrash red and blue
Streaming tears from flowing sneers
On the floor they dance and sing …

Disconnected as I am
Every time I try and stand to walk on past
I get beat back down with scalding slaps
Slammed into my aching brain,
How much can a person take and walk ahead with dignity
Can it be lost tranquility,
Yet screaming inside my head?
This vile bashing from your past, must you make it mine?
Scorching message sent with great expectancy and you expect me to what?
Swallow without questioning? You think you're right, just because you say?
Turn and toil beside this deep, dark stream
Haunting me, tugging against reality
Pull a snare held tight …

They will say in muted tones
She never knew
Her body never found,
With only this severed head we gather
To remember this one who tried
While slipping beneath that setting flood …


Posted on 05/04/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

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