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by Jeffrey Parren

What would Jeff do...
in a world without religion?

One such world
would scare many, but
upon further review
I find it would be much
the happier place to live.

Would there be
suicide bombers in His name?
I think not.

Would terrorists exist
in their current definition?
Possibly not.

People could take
money spent on the church
buy new shoes
present a gift to a loved one
save it!

The commercialism...
belief for sale at the right price.
If they really believe, why not
ask the priests to live in nature,
and pray outside, like before
when people did not close themselves
in from all that He created?
Reasonably, one who sends
the message of God,
should never imagine worry
about the small things
like food and water.
Pray, and you shall receive.

The differences in people
would dimish immensely
the color of our skin merely
would differ us.  Our beliefs
would be opinions.  Keep them.

All I know, every time you
unleash your God in my direction
I cannot help but be nice,
and hope you leave me alone.
My crutch will be happiness,
sounds just right.


Author's Note: I watched a movie or two depicting terrorists and maybe it is Americanized filming that always shows the evil willed ones constantly praising their own God for the massive thrashing they will put on another people who do not believe neccesarily in the same God. I think it is a big joke that noone in religion can possibly get. Those that believe, do so for something that even hearsay stays away from. A force drives us maybe, but a God who allows needless suffering for an immense amount of good people I just cannot swallow.

Posted on 04/21/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

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