The One For Me by Jeffrey ParrenMaybe the eagerness
developed over realization
that you are the one for me.
I have been waiting for a Belle,
and sure enough, you have
been such three times over.
The interim silence agonizes
a heart anxious to love and
be loved. I found you ill-timed
and all I have to show are
days wasted with sleep
and a mind anguished.
Whether you find your heart
to give to me or not, at least
I can remember what it is like
to be able to love without
thinking to get in the way;
that my heart is beating.
I know how much I care for you
and for now that is all that matters
since you are unable to return.
I see you and I melt, each time.
A smell so sweet, eyes that
control me, controlling you.
You understand me, what I need
as I find a new way to rip away
thoughts and regrets of passing
years replacing with feelings
so true and honest, I know
I am ready, whenever you are. 04/12/2007 Posted on 04/13/2007 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren