Moving Through by Malika BiersteinThere is silence in the bed we made, love
laid to rest like a sleeping child, breath
soft in every crease of sheets.
I don't quite know how to embrace it, this air
so void of your presence, your essence:
strange, sad, serene all at once.
I almost reach for the phone
then don't. There's nothing
particular I can think of that I'd really like
to say right now except maybe hello
and maybe not even that, just
the sound of your comfort in my ear might do
if only it comforted me the way it used to.
I love you, I do, yet you're over there
and I'm over here and though part of me wants
to change that another part knows I shouldn't, not now,
here in this moment. I should just sit
right where I am amidst gold and green sheets
and be at peace with my pain, take solace
in the love we made
and all the space in between it. 04/12/2007 Posted on 04/12/2007 Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein