Panacea by Richard VinceOnce upon a time, I would have
Donned my shining armour, and
Ridden off to rescue you from
The abyss into which
Life has taken you.
That was before I grew up
And realised that fairytales
Do not contain people like me.
I could never be a hero.
Try as I did, I never had
A clue when it came to
Helping people. Trying became
An exercise in vanity;
I only helped myself.
I presume to know who
And where you are, yet
I realise how much of
What shaped me
You didnt get to see.
Ten years is still a long time
To me, but it is most
Of what you can remember.
In you I see myself
As I was once, but I realise
That you are not me.
I know not of a
Universal cure for where I was
And where you are now.
You must find your own way.
That it is found is only
As important as
You finding it.
02/03/2007 Posted on 03/26/2007 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 03/26/07 at 06:51 PM Wonderfully stated, man. |
Posted by Laura Doom on 03/26/07 at 11:20 PM We all's impossible to ignore and dismiss the chasm into which everything we don't know falls. And fairytales don't contain anyone, else they would cease to be fairytales. The third stanza is the killer - a true chicken/egg dilemma, wrapped in an atmosphere that reeks of poignancy, from ingenuous start to resigned, worldly-wise finish. A panacea it is then - for this reader anyway :) |