

by Alison McKenzie

The only truth is the one in my heart,
The one that carves my path.
The only voice is the one in my soul,
The one note I can grasp.

I waited for you to imagine my dreams.
I waited for you to sing me to sleep.
I waited for you to take my hand.
I waited for you to love all of me.

One true voice rings through it all.
One true moment stands ever before me.
One true tear falls down my un-kissed cheek.
One true breath escapes into the mist.

Love embrace me;
Truth embrace me;
Guardian spirit continue to protect me;
Journey unfold before me.
Breath of blossoms infuse my lungs once more
With one true voice.

There is such unimagined beauty,
Hope’s beacon illuminating reality’s darkest dance.

I want to dance;
I will to dance;
I am to dance,
My faerie heart applauding forever,
This symphony repeating.


Posted on 03/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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