
I Can Swim

by Alison McKenzie

Sea of years
From shore to shore
I can’t swim all that time
To meet you
Roiling black clouds
Thunder rumbling
Roaring wind of tender willows
Merlyn’s magic swirling
Wreckage from a long ago vessel
Swept away in the current

You’ll find me floating
On yesterday’s breath
Keeping my head above
Barely above
Waiting for the depth
To hoist me up
Or pull me under
Saturated in love

I can swim alone
I can swim alone
I can swim
I can breathe
I can gasp without drowning

I will drink the sea.


Author's Note: Sometimes I dream that I'm nearly drowning, and then I remember that I can breathe under the water, and I take a big gulp of ocean, and it's the sweetest, most refreshing lungfull of, something. It fills my lungs with clarity, and I swim...

Posted on 03/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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