Love Cocktail by Jeffrey Parrenmy evolution has near but ended me
tough times tougher than any fingernail I've seen
surprising I never reached for stronger intoxications
than poetry or alcohol
my devolution into my current state (while evolving)
was one of mental sacrifice and compromise
though you could say it was a rebirth
my ability to fight is slowly wilting away
I reach out now, for simple pleasures
Love, romance, ecstasy, companionship
the old ponderings pale now
yet still to figure out 75% of who I am
searching high and low for true love
in search of bigfoot I am, indeed
for love is hard work they say
but the finding it, that just falls into your lap
so if it just happens on chance
and then you have to work hard at it
it would seemingly be a disasterous mixture
a touch of odds, a touch of laziness
the perfect mixed drink - heartbreak
so when I try hard to find love
I also assume there will be hard work
to keep it
so while I make sense and dream
creating my perfect belle with utter toil
everyone else is getting married or finding love
as I sit here writing a poem, lonely 03/08/2007 Author's Note: Argh
Posted on 03/08/2007 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren