
The Chain

by Alison McKenzie

He stood over me,
His hard, firefighter body glistening
In his desire.
I lay on my back, mesmerized,
The movement of his hands,
The rippling of his muscles,
Responding to primal sanctions.

He wore a gold chain,
And that was all.

He inclined to kiss me,
Brushing velvet lips across my cheek,
Cooing to me, breathless, of my beauty.
I am nourished by his passion,
Vaporously intoxicated by his strength.

Unclasping the chain,
He drags it across my chest,
Allowing the end to tickle the
Raspberry peaks of my interest,
Trailing it along soft clouds
Until he lifts it, wraps it around
The point he is trying so desperately to make with me,
And teases the lever of my inner sanctum -
Indecisively alternating between
Going in or staying out
While the pleasure threatens
To steal any shred of my ability to reason
And remain sane.

My back arches, subconsciously craving
The penetration of flesh to bliss
While my body tingles
To the rhythms of ancient vibrations
Biting my lip
His eyes burning fire into my soul,
Fire that builds as he adds fuel
His energy mixing with mine
Burst of sensual oceans collide
Recede and leave us in heaps.
I love the climb to the top of that mountain
And the long, slow slide back to reality.
Decadent primordial eruption,
Sacred nectar...

I will always remember the day
He introduced me to his gold chain
Long, strong and enormously sexy
I would gladly be tied to that chain
For infinite seasons
If only it was more than fantasy.


Posted on 03/03/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 03/03/07 at 04:57 PM

I think someone's gonna need a cigarette after this one. Nice work.

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