
Alone is Alright

by Alison McKenzie

My eyes adorned with rose colored glasses -
You all looked so good to me -
At first.

What happens?
At what point does the blazing trail
Fizzle to gurgling ashes?
I’m such a fool.
“I’m not a real girlfriend
But I play one on TV”
That is my new mantra.

Except that what I say is created.
I’ve witnessed it too many times
To discount the evidence.

Come discover me in black and white -
There is a blank page before me
And I want to make an angel in it.
I love the early snow
In a season not yet ready for the flakes,
But hungry for them anyway,
Come discover me lying in the ice.
I’m chillin’ in the hope
Of a pristine landscape.

My lips nearly turn blue
In the frigid air of discovery,
But I remain.

Someone will follow
The trail of my lonely footsteps
And understand they were mine -
No one carries me -
That’s not my agreement with God.
Anyway, He keeps changing his name
And I can’t keep up.

It’s alright,
Love will keep me alive
By any name.


Author's Note: Alone is alright. Anyway, I LOVE the snow. There is always hot chocolate for one waiting *laughing*.

Posted on 02/21/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Leslie Ann Eisenberg on 02/22/07 at 03:59 AM

i completely relate. i had many of these thoughts in the snow on my recent trip to tahoe. thank you. PK

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