Insomnia Supporter by Jeffrey Parrengathering nocturnal mind ramblings
I coyly slumber in my bed
congnizant to existence and surroundings too
yet realilstic endeavors I shy away from
responsibility forgotton
I continue to restlessly watch dreams
figuring they are worth the toil
troubling my sleep cycle
allowed insomnia really isn't is it?
fighting the demons of bodily necessity
I fall into REM sleep where dreams happen
only to snort a quick snore
my dreams reverb fighting realities unwanted
as I slowly grasp rapid eyes moving
I covet dreams that keep me awake at night 02/20/2007 Author's Note: Just a little jampacked powerhouse to explain why I sleep so poorly. Hopefully I got the idea across; if I didn't let me know please.
Posted on 02/20/2007 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren