
Double Valentines

by Alison McKenzie

I live in the middle of our age pool
He is 18 years younger
While he is 18 years older
Hearts sweet as love’s most
Decadent nectar

Long blond hair, pulled tight in a tail
Crystal blue eyes that cover me like a sky
Spiritual bliss in every breath he takes
I love his tender voice, sure steps
The way he plays his guitar
Remembers making love to me in my slumber
And goofy sense of humor
He loves every cell of me
As he has for 9 years
Wants to explore our paths and futures
If our destinies intertwine in love and hope

Dark, curly head and a goatee
He wears his Wrangler’s into
Meadow green eyes that blossom in the spring
Though I’ve never smelled his cologne
I love his tender voice, sure steps
The way he fathers his sweet boy
And the way he prays for me,
Wants to protect me and care for me
He loves every breath I take,
My voice in song and verse
Wants to explore our paths and futures
To see if our destinies weave one road
In love and hope

I am bathed in the splendor of both
My California man coming to visit soon
My Washington man waiting to see
How it all pans out
Each loving that I am loved in tandem each
Double Valentines this year
While I giggle like a little girl


Posted on 02/12/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Richard Vince on 02/12/07 at 09:56 PM

"Crystal blue eyes that cover me like a sky" is a fabulous line.

Posted by Becca Kinser on 02/15/07 at 02:46 PM

Aww... :)

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