
antarctica's 1stborn.

by Steven Kenworthy

finally arrived from the allover the place i came from
has too manystitches to be able to lookaway, tragicsales.
the car sweepstakes crashing was visceral,honest&scary
spookingevils away like women onbrooms designatedly
metaldetector, do this: assist inthe carnage digging, ilostmyhead
perhaps the toughest year ofmylife inside thecrown no thorns
off the throne, i’m layingflat towards the ground. whiteflag. w.f.

surrender. gobacktowhereyoucamefrom. , pants
sandstains, a distressed headrest,outofhere. at gasp.

i give, gave. governor, thestate is insome terrible conditions,
states ofaffairs.this county isnightmares. visitor,sleepwell.

month survivalsix past the warpath my horse cameridinginon
chariot shouting solong the schooner has abandonshipped eyestreams
speak ofchampagne boiling hotatlantic water, salt.waiting on magentism
the compass has coollungs andgives hope. does nostalgia to the patients.
in recovery,
the sungod who rents suites at the discomfortinn hoaxes,tempts&lies,
waytoomuch. topography had its way. geography laughs on youngminds
the comedian in hospitalgowns withevery anecdote on his clipboard.like
the back of a hand, evilfighting carpaltunnels &navigating
a roadmap of arteries stretched across thedashboard
flatoutstretched across borders thisdazzle is nopuzzle. more
obviously more complex,

the engineofacar,drivinghome.

afool or a hero, with weakpotions
onlythe strong don’tdie, chasing

i’ve slayed somewitches in these mytimes past. bloodymesses
recognize a mirror when i seeone, recognizeohio when she
looksatme. i can dedicate andtaste prayers on blink, church
ohio.a sortof holyface,many hands are pews, sitdownlove.

darlingdear, sit still.
gift me yourears, my lips have somethingtospeak. tireswings,
buckeye trees
you appear somidwest, but feel soparadaisical. inthe eyes
beauty in theheart of the vagrant.slept betterbefore, back.

sc,suncharmed, you are like uvrays, ultraviolet. barely breathing.
oh fill my chest upagain. I love the grass here.


Author's Note: live to make comebacks. a challenge is|beautiful.

Posted on 02/11/2007
Copyright © 2024 Steven Kenworthy

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 02/12/07 at 12:14 AM

So there's a unity to it, in the traveling, a wild progression embodied in that "engineofacar,drivinghome". (a powerful image for the poem) and so well expresses the feeling of travel in this way). Other linked words give more power and intrigue-- such as "finally arrived fromallover the place..." Both the beginning and ending have Joycean like rapture to them, they draw me in and carry me along. The ending is scrumptious, being so feminine, I feel like, well, could I be Ohio ("soparadaisical")-- where the "grass" is greener? I love gift me "yourears, my lips have "somethingtospeak". Wonderfully rich and enticing as well as challenging. And funny--as in "gobacktowhereyoucamefrom". Fantastic.

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