So Maybe You Can Understand Me Better by Jeffrey ParrenMy mind is
Downtown Manhattan
Rush hour
Dead of summer
It is 95 degrees in the suburbs.
My thoughts are
Garbage trucks
Lexuses? or Lexi? See?!
Dipping and diving
Ideas are crossing with incredible rates
A clash is inevitable
A brain fender bender will happen
Ahead of it all, I do apologize.
Sometimes words do lack
So when I only want to hold you close
Cuddle by the television
Watch a movie
I may seem boring, I know.
When so much is happening underneath
You can only imagine how tiring.
My down time really is just that.
Even a movie can wander my mind
Poke at it and get me thinking once again.
For each moment not intense
There are five inside waiting to come out
So to you whom I have yet to meet
Maybe this little congregation of words can help
Show you what makes me
Then you can be prepared
For the traffic jam that is me. 02/09/2007 Author's Note: Thought about this while driving on Route 3 in NJ by my house. Got home and wrote it, I love you, poetry.
Posted on 02/10/2007 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren