
black swans

by Peter Humphreys

by St.
James' Park
I chance to
stray one dank
dampening dew
dropped day
and as the trees
seep droplets
pure I think
of you and
wonder if
my heart can
cure its wanderings
which stray me
through each
dew drawn day
and as upon a
bench I pray
and watch the
lonely black
swans sway so
many miles
from home
I remember
winters past
I remember
when lost
I remember
when beds
love warm
were filled
by the deepest
of caresses
or maybe
I just


Posted on 01/29/2007
Copyright © 2024 Peter Humphreys

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 01/29/07 at 09:36 PM

Lovely, Peter. "beds love warm"...terrific! Thanks for another excellent glimpse of your corner of the world and your cherished memories.

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