
is that it

by Peter Humphreys

it is that
really it is
that really all
you have to say
after all we went
through together the
hard times the times so
tough we cried times the
moments when our dearest let
their last breath fly to heaven
as butterflies on the even breeze
you you are telling me that is it how
dare you when we have shared so much to
gather the cry of our first born the cry of
our last born carried home in wicker cot the
moments when we stood together as the sun set
behind the far-side clough and the westerly wind
arose and froze our hands together I do not
believe I simply do not believe you can but
stand here like that telling me you are off
gone as migrating birds do head south when
times are hard and bloody hard they are
now with work scarce and my shoes worn
through and you wearing the jacket we
bought together go on then get
out begone with you leave me
alone free at last when a
year before I would have
longed for such is that
it is that really it
is that really all
you have to say
goodbye good
luck is that
it really
is it it


Posted on 01/16/2007
Copyright © 2024 Peter Humphreys

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 01/16/07 at 05:58 PM

I have to agree with Marie. Ouch. But such a beautiful expression of a broken heart. Makes my heart skip a beat with empathetic pain. I know just how it feels. Beautiful expression of something awful. Beautiful.

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 02/13/07 at 09:19 PM

...I think you've got, and yes, sometimes...it is! But, you made me think about it more than I have for a long time...and that's good. Thanks, Peter.

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