thirsting to conquer by Carl WalkerTo Conquer
To conquer
Is placed deep into the heart of every man
Yet he cannot well rule
Or even conceive
Of conquering
That which will bless him best
His own heart
Man desires to conquer
Thinking, believing
In conquering he will find life
And so, seeking life
He sacrifices to conquer
He neglects
His heart ever seeking new prizes
At lifes final judgment
Will he not judge himself by
Who he gave his heart to
And how they gave their heart back
Time passes behind us
Lost and irreclaimable
Man desires to conquer
But what does he need
As time and life must pass
What will fill a mans heart
With satisfaction and peace
As breath wanes
Consider well
You who sacrifice to conquer
and own
and rule
lifes true purpose is found
in the affection of those you love
so sacrifice conquering
and give what you own
and neglect achieving
to win affection
you must conquer and quell
your heart
rule over it
and make it value
what is valuable
and in so doing
and light
and life
in the hearts of those you love
as lifes last breath wanes
And judge your important labors
Not undone
But Well done
Author's Note: this poem represents goals for me that I have imperfectly realized but it helps me keep perspective
Posted on 01/10/2007 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 01/11/07 at 01:06 AM You effectively deal with one of man's basic drives. Those who are in their waning years I think would all agree with your reflection. |
Posted by Adrian Calhoun on 01/15/07 at 10:24 AM Striking poem that I and i'm sure many others can well relate. Reminds me of my teen to premarried years, larger than life, taking on the whole world and every challenge I could find. Excellent writing Carl. |