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Blurbs: The Tan and Black Variety

by Cristy M.

He likes it when I draw "silly"
from a quaint sentence--
though I'm not saying much
of anything--because
he's made it sound endearing.

I smoke cigarettes
and watch the same
gym shorts walk out
the front door--again &
again--like a rewind
button's been pressed

How are you?
(He's listening to Charlie
Parker in the garage. He's
painting up a faded
bumper sticker) at noon.

I watch the weddings
and the babies in a reel--
everyone is crying
but I remain ambivalent
wondering if female genes
harbor deficiencies
that lay dormant till once jaded.

Perhaps stupidity is
somewhat related to
the contents of a
medicine cabinet.

If I end all my
sentences in question marks,
I'll some how redundantly
be stating my humility
is less than the mere
disguise it is of all
this latest pretention?
(But I will be

He wants me to have
his babies and pass them down
my flawed DNA and
impeccable cheesy music

Transistor radio fuzz
is the only sound he makes
when he is talking to
the other
about the remodelling's architecture.

Oh no! I said in a
quiet gernerous mumble,
the twelve year-old
has checked out my
handwriting again
(and been jealous at
its marvel).

If you steal this chair,
I shall hunt you
eternally and beat you
in your sleep with
a kitchen stool and the
spare parts of my
bedroom set. Watch out.

The shady man's jacket
is a memory that I
should rather forget--
as is that fat woman's
fanny pack. (I quickly
succumb ot a hypnotic
state and unlearn
the faux-pas of middle-aged
fashion to save me
from terminal insomnia
and nightmarish dreams.)

It is, in fact, a deserted
island versus the notion
that you'd find it a desert.
What I surmise is that
receptive language skills
are de-evolving frm
the human species. (He asked
me a question related to
sparkplugs and hairnets.)

No time has passed
yet I've completed
all my today's deconstruction.

Hello, sassafrass, you
are welcome anytime
to me
so long as you are
donning that fabulous bonnet
of which I am so fond
for laying on kindly with
my eyes.

What? Your
is Chinese.

Of all the lovers to take me,
the one that's furthest's
won the prize. (This is
for Brett to read.)

How shaking are
my expectant arms
for a hug from an
unwrapped present.

If Time were an accordian,
I would squeeze it
till I could see you
despite its hideous sound.

I will think of
how good this cheesecake tastes
between the whip-lashing
of the twenty-five addtional

He crushes in his palms
all my favorite music
and sprinkles fairydust
on me while he sleeps and
I am driving.

There is no question
that I won't answer
in a riddle put to the
song of my broken tap shoes.
And you will leave
wondering in giggles.

She knows nothing
that her mother's
cleavage hasn't
taught her. A woman's
heaping bosom tells
her all about the
constellation and Homeric tales.

We are crafting strategies
blanket forts not to hide us
got our spitball machine guns.

I have nothing to say
that I haven't said
before--with more jazz
and less prestige--
that Lenore's not
understood a word of.

If I were to take
advice from my daughter,
I would lick my fur
under the bed all day
and call that "living."

Occupation, having none
with which to tend, is
making for want of
scratching all the paint off
and beginning to begin

Oh! but a rhyme scheme
would work so well
with my dress today
(in lieu of a belt, that is).

I tired under
the cooling climates
of where I

I would make up a word
for every ________ity of
moments that I had lost
the language for.

I am on this dilly-dallying
as I wait for him to come
though I should be out
for exercise.

I breathe the trees
and think how lovely
it may be to drink
your breath into mine.

Poetry is all nonsense--
I have tripped into its
dreadful slums
and am swept up amongst the
litter for it.
(By choice, mind you.)

As if having no choice,
I continue writing.
As if on my hands,
the clock's depend.

You will be my last
of everything. Is that

I have no questions
which your confidence
does not answer in my
stead. This frightens
me to tears.

Could it be possible
that we are both
the cures and at once
our each's diseases?

He is here:
THe coffee mug crashes
spilling a broken witch
and her broken black cat
in the tar river
that sticks to her belly.
She stumbles, dizzy-
high from all the


Posted on 12/10/2006
Copyright © 2024 Cristy M.

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Paul Marino on 12/10/06 at 07:54 PM

haha, i was approving your application and it wouldn't let me bc you were already in. mommy is back. "all my today's deconstruction."

Posted by Anya Kaats on 12/12/06 at 02:16 AM

i really liked this!!

Posted by Soulo Jacob Bourgeau on 01/06/07 at 05:57 PM

Every stanza is fantastic. Filing in my favorites for sure.

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