A Slice of Paradise by Alisa JsYou've brought to my life, splashes of true happiness
When we ran to the edge of those misunderstood precepts,
and lingered there for a time beyond time,
Each key you presented burst forth from the darkness
Relieved at long last, back in marvelous light,
We marveled at their radiance, bathed in prism's glow
Smashed every false pretense writhing in confusion,
Joyously, we kicked them away ...
My life is sweeter now, thanks to you
You taught me to feel with my soul,
To break free from old shackles
Put an end to sick contradictions
And learn how to breathe and just be,
With eyes of tenderness, you led me
With arms of compassion, you held me so close,
When my steps were mistaken, you stood right beside me
and together, we found our way,
Through those dark days of thunder
and whirlwinds of winter
When confusion and doubt tried to drown me,
When my world was dark and miserably silent
Your heart flame was steady and showed me the way,
You taught me to listen and believe
Gave me a slice of sweet paradise,
To cherish and hold onto
A gift of eternity, just for me ...
When those fears come calling
As they sometimes do,
When doubt tries to play tricks with my mind,
I remember that slice of paradise you gave
and think of those splashes of happiness,
My life is forever changed, because of you
Sweetness of your essence, you've shared
The wonder of your love comforts me so,
and my heart now has treasures
Gifts eternal, from your beautiful soul ...
10/01/2006 Posted on 11/29/2006 Copyright © 2025 Alisa Js
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 11/29/06 at 11:59 PM This one almost feels like a song. Again, good stuff. |
Posted by Dave Fitzgerald on 12/14/06 at 11:27 AM A beautiful love song with an element of "Better to have loved and lost..." Another wonderful piece of work :) |
Posted by JD Clay on 12/18/06 at 01:12 AM This is a wonderful poem attributed to love and desire and the magnetism it has on the heart. Nice work here, Alisa.
Posted by Charles M Harrison on 11/25/07 at 02:03 PM Beautiful words that honor one true love. |