Skeptical Apology to my Muse by Amanda J CobbOk, I'm a bad friend, I know.
I never call, I never write.
It's been months since I last heard you ring my doorbell,
and yes, I know, I'm a horrible person for pretending
that I wasn't home, even turning off the lights.
In my defense, it was 4:30 in the morning.
Why do you always visit in the wee hours?
Neither of us is getting any younger, here.
And you'd think, after all these years,
that you would know how I value a good sleep.
And really, that idea you left -
could it have been any more dismal?
I admit, I lost a little faith in you for that.
It's been a few months now, though;
I've gotten enough good sleeps for awhile.
I figure you've had time to get out
whatever dark things were inhabiting you.
I think it's time we tried working together again.
You know, reasonable schedule, minimal hours at first
so we can both remember how this is supposed to work.
A very low-level committment until things fire up again.
So. Whattya think? 11/18/2006 Author's Note: It's been awhile. 7 months of awhile, even. Egads. I know I have dry spells every so often, but this is a bit extreme.
My first attempt at getting back in the game.
Posted on 11/19/2006 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb