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When I Die

by Malika Bierstein

I don't believe it will be the end
for me though my religion says so,
won't return as ash to the earth
until my bones feel it is time to go,
the physical being moving back
to its creator all too slow. One thing
I can tell you is that my soul has places
to be, no time to decompose or
be held down by those who claim
it was never free, spent
their time on our earth hating,
believing my fate to be their decree.

I will come back and rise above
to tell them that it's all love, say
a prayer for those who feel its essence
or the lack thereof, find the lesson
in the blessing that brings peace
spelled out in doves and earn the rights
to the original track that made you
want to get the dub. See I've got
plans that the big man has yet
to understand, though we work
arm in arm, face the world hand in hand.
There's a time that's gonna come
when I won't need drugs to get me high,
there will be no more horizon,
no separation between land and sky
and when you listen to the wind
or hear the crunch of grass beneath
a child's feet, you'll know that
I've returned, that the cycle
is complete and you'll turn
the music up and smile as I fly
far above the need to be free,
unable to be until I die.


Posted on 11/10/2006
Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein

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