Untitled by Malika BiersteinYour spirit moves me, penetrates deep,
river roaring through cavernous valleys like
dreams through portals of sleep, steady flow
urging me to deliver myself to you
sensual, subtle, the essence of black submerged
in a brilliant blue. Your warmth still lingers,
sensation stirring all afternoon, teases me
back to the satisfaction of last nights room
where everything is always softer, bathed
in a golden hue. You turn me on as quickly
as I attempt to turn away from you, want
the face without the name, no strings
yet still Im tied to you.
Dont ask me what I wantstillness
enveloping us in the muted dark, unable
to name the intention behind the magnitude
of such a spark that causes me to take you whole
though your kisses are nourishment enough, content
for now with just exploring the playground of our
lust. It isnt right but its real and its all I can afford
to feel these days, not a move I strategize,
no game I intend to play. Its the weight of your
words on my hips, the breath from your lips
that brings me back, reeling toward this moment,
this desire I cannot allay, seduction streaming
like amber stakes through the blinds
of yet another day. You press your body
against mine, feel the vibe, ask me to stay.
11/10/2006 Posted on 11/10/2006 Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein