Simpatico by Malika BiersteinBeing with you is better
than breakfast in bed on a Sunday afternoon,
mood nourishing like fresh juice squeezed
from the sweetest, ripest fruit. Our minds mesh
like lazy legs locked bare and beautiful
beneath an amber glow, fit comfortably
in sacred spaces where fear once lingered
in search of a home. Synergy of energy
streams through open windows, saturates
white sheets and illuminates your face
like sunshine in all its yellow glory
filling every cold, dark place. The warmth
you give rejuvenates me, fills me up
long after youve gone, writes the lyrics
and drops the beat to our unwritten song.
Familiar feelings attempt to grip me,
grasp some flaw that will tear me away
but I find myself with no excuse now,
just a million unique reasons why I want you
to stay. Creative thoughts are lucid jewels
awaiting movement conscious and slow,
no game or strategy here to cloud
the clarity of our flow.
You study me through your lens,
every line and blemish exposed, yet still
wrap yourself around me, create an art
form of making me feel whole. Tracing the base
of your spine, eager hands meet with
smooth brown skin, drawing me in
to a place where the heart meets logic,
fights a battle and finally wins.
11/10/2006 Posted on 11/10/2006 Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein