Gia by Malika BiersteinThere is nothing beautiful today, gray
cracks in your soft, warm armor
like splinters in my own skin. A tumor,
they say, aggressive in is fury, determined
to break you down one cell at a time, erase
the only sacred thing in my life
but I wont let it, not if I can
help anything in this godforsaken world. Your
deep, soulful eyes tell me it will be okay
and I want to believe you, want it more
than fire or breath could ever fathom,
only Im not so sure about anything anymore,
especially the possibility of me
without you. Theres nothing
beyond, no amount of color that could ever
infuse all that black with blue. Death
waits in the wings like a dark, evil angel,
threatening, foreboding, but I know
you are not ready to follow just yet,
strong little fighter that you are,
and we dont give up or give in easily
around here, just sit alone in a dark office,
face to face with our fear.
11/10/2006 Posted on 11/10/2006 Copyright © 2025 Malika Bierstein