Objectionable-ist Manifesto in November by Gary HoffmannThey tell me you're an Objectivist
Nope, I'm an Objectionable-ist
that which Someone
finds Objectionable
is Truth
Article the First: No.
The pool-cue strikes the cue-ball on Election Night.
Article the Second: No.
Thus, because everything is Objectionable to Someone
Article the Third: No, really. No.
But I'm an Anti-Objectionable-ist.
that which Someone
does not find Objectionable
is Truth
Article the Fourth: I find this Objectionable because it is something
to which Someone
is Capable
of Objecting
Thus, because nothing is Objectionable to Everyone
The cue-ball strikes the five-ball.
Article the Fifth: We take a Jungian veiw;
each Person contributes one
and Only one
Thing to the collective imagination
But this is not Objectionable
as Someone
does not Object to it
The five-ball bounces off the rim
and glances against
the nine-ball
Article the Sixth: There are only six-billion
Imaginable Things
Someone imagines one of these things to be Objectionable
Article the Seventh: Everything Imaginable
is Objectionable
Reality requires consensis
Which requires unanimous agreement
Which requires unananimous disagreement
and that which Someone does not Object to
is not Objectionable
Thus everything is Objectionable
and I Believe nothing
The nine-ball hits the cue-ball
Thus everything is not Objectionable
and I Believe nothing
So if the Objectionable-ists
and the Anti-Objectionable-ists
are opposites
and each Believe nothing
into the corner pocket
then nothing is the opposite of nothing
Ergo propter sum Q.E.D and all that
Scratch. 11/08/2006 Posted on 11/08/2006 Copyright © 2025 Gary Hoffmann