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Come December

by Charles M Harrison

Come December I will remember
when the winter winds blow their chill.
But even they can not dim the flame
that burns in my heart still.

Come December I will remember
that smile once again.
Then will come the happy thoughts
of when I called you friend.

Come December I will remember
as cold as a winter rain.
Once again I will feel the sorrow
that will bring the pain.

Come December I will remember
when we held each other dear.
I will recall what it is I lost
and again shed a tear.

Come December I will remember
a card for your birthday.
And hope it could be like it was
before you went away.

Come December I will remember
how could I ever forget.
I had the love of a special friend
and now I have lost it.


Posted on 09/26/2006
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/26/06 at 11:07 PM

...charles, don't you just love lori, i say exactly what she says ... tis true, your poem and her appreciation of the come december repetition...good 'un...peace, chaz

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