
My Wandering Imagination

by Alison McKenzie

I’m interested in the Light of the World
And how we are similar in our walking
Waking moments of lucid realizations
World upon world
Layers of physical and spiritual
Ethereal manifestations
Of All that Is.

I am interested in Magic
The energy of love blossoming
Imbuing the dark
Intoxication of souls blend

I’m interested in my sons and daughters
And how they go forth in their truth
What will they absorb
And how will it spill back onto their realities?
How will they love their children
And will they then understand how I loved them?

I’m interested in the stars, the moon
And the waxing/waning tides of our waters
The hair on my head growing or not
At the behest of those whimsical forces
What lives in those worlds away?
Why don’t they live with me?

I’m interested in my mammoth proportions
And why it seems to serve me?
My Flinstone feet leaving my mark deep on the Mother
My substance soft and strong together
My body a shrine to my goddess within
And bearing the scars of being a mother,
Wounded in battles of male vs. female
I stand

I’m interested in the expanse of the sky
Shield of azure iris
While the cosmos beyond regards us,
Tiny creatures on the face of an injured planet
We consume the forest, the water, the living and the dead
And call ourselves supreme
Foolish yet correct in our grandiose sense of our selves

I’m interested in before, now and after
Sacredly simultaneous events in an infinite record of humankind
Leave us be and watch what we create
It must be changed
And we must change it
For change will certainly come about
Our opportunity to author it vanishing
On a sick horizon of hopeless necessity

I’m interested in praying
And honoring All that Is
I’m interested in praying
For the highest good of Life itself
Of which I am just one small differentiation
I am not alone
But All One, always.


Posted on 09/06/2006
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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