
Angels Landing

by Scott Utley

Mitchell Ray Walden

October Sixteenth 1965

October Eleventh 1995

Here Lies Interred

The body of

Mitchell Ray Walden

Who Suddenly Departed This World

On The Eleventh Day of October

Anno Domini Nineteen Hundred And Ninety Five

In The Twenty-Ninth Year of His Age

Just a boy

He's just a kid

The most bedazzling spirit

I have ever known

Riding the wave of a new generation


He says

He says to no one in particular

Make me famous if you can

So naive and vulnerable

Revealing doubts courageously

Touching my heart with his wounded palm

The one that scarred from a rusty nail

Make me famous if you can

I need to know my life has meaning

I need to know my love is real

I pressed my lips upon his brow

He smiled that smile we all adore

...I wished him a safe passing


I said

I said to Mitch

I said to him I promise


Just wait

Just wait I said

Just wait and see what I will do

To make your memory lasting


Posted on 08/13/2006
Copyright © 2024 Scott Utley

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 04/10/07 at 02:36 PM

I'm with Kristina, you've made Mitchell memorable! Peace, Brother! Great writing style.

Posted by Angela Stevens on 07/17/12 at 08:15 PM

RIP Mitchell. A lovely poem, he is remembered. x.

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