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Bear The Burden

by Charles M Harrison

I have known the pain of rejection the pain of false intent
I have known the lose of a love thought heaven sent
I have know the pain of laughter at my own expense
The pain of ridicule and what sharp words have meant
But none of this to me can ever compare
To looking into a friends eyes and seeing that vacant stare
There is nothing like the look on a face
That once shone with joy, beauty and grace
To see this sadness engulf someone I hold dear
Cuts deeper than any sorrow that I might fear
My one thought and desire at this time
Is to take their pain and somehow make it mine
To steal away the source of all their grief
So their tortured heart can find comfort and relief
Then maybe just maybe their pain would with me depart
And all the joy and happiness would return to their heart
I would smile with them and hide their hurt deep inside
So it's access to them would be denied
But I would not suffer sorrow or despair
Because I would be filled with the love we share
And nowhere in me would their pain survive
Without sadnes, sorrow and despair to keep it alive
It would be cast out into the darkest pit of gloom
And love would seal over and forever guard it's tomb


Posted on 07/20/2006
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

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