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the answer

by Bet Yeldem

I haven’t had the time to wonder
How I came to be so blessed
I have been too busy entertaining
Memories of your eyes
Taking me in

Hearing you swallow hard the thoughts
And words that were once
Only known in happily ever after stories
But you couldn’t keep them down
Neither could I

There was lightning in your hands
And I am covered
With your fingerprints
Traces of you like buried treasure
Keep surfacing
In the new richness of these days
Far from you
Far from home

I had no need to ask myself if this is love
It was never the question
Only the answer


Posted on 07/12/2006
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Vere Mantratriad on 07/16/06 at 02:25 AM

"It was never the question Only the answer" ...beautiful, just beautiful.

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