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you're hand felt heavy

by Bet Yeldem

your hand felt heavy on my face
and i liked it there

the weight of your presence
on my cheek
while i rested in half lucid moments
unable to differentiate
between reality and dreaming

was it you whispering in my ear
caressing my hair
and kissing my eyelids
than a fairy might

was it you who reminded me
of what a man’s tenderness feels like
of what it can do
to a woman’s soul
never mind that it turns her knees to jelly
and causes a butterfly uprising

i haven’t forgotten
the last time
any hand touched that spot
the bruises lasted for days
yet without knowing
began healing invisible scars
i smiled and loved you
in the instant when i noticed
your hand felt heavy on my face
and i liked it there


Posted on 07/11/2006
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charles M Harrison on 07/12/06 at 02:32 AM

My wife was delt many a brusing scare. Caused by someone who should have known better. As he was adult and she child. I think what made her first love me was that I knew before she ever told me. I have done my best to heal those scars in my own way. Thank you for a wonderful poem.

Posted by Vere Mantratriad on 07/16/06 at 02:16 AM

Beautiful. There's a lot of courage inside of hope, and you express it here wonderfully.

Posted by Alex Chambers on 06/16/08 at 03:44 AM

I like this. Good work.

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