
For the Aquarian Loner

by Mary J Anna

I said you were like Jesus
i meant it too.
you couldn't believe how good it was-
so soon-
(it would continue!)

Like fading to sleep slowly,
slipping away,
Backing further with your things
still facing me...
I didn't see you turn.

There is something that amazes me still!
you smart profoundly-
stinging eyes at once,
but then lead ball breaths fecund.

Locked down dilapidated
a crumbl-ing tower
brick by brick inward
self-fortifying mess
how you subsist...

You in my head,
ghost games now haunting
once finest of fucks
but friendship- phantasmic.

A God,
but asking immolated,
the moment after
the emulating call...

You have given me loneliness,
Lone man,
a sempiternal tease,
of burgeoning


Author's Note: Okay. With this poem I have worked to change my old ways of poetry where I use lots of words together and dont' really make them into a coherent sentence. Basically, some of these are barely coherent thoughts through phrasing, i hope! I like that it comes out of my head naturally that way, that it is hidden and mysterious, and especially I am attached to the secondary meanings that it affords. However, I want to grow! i'd love input. it may work alright in this as i've toned it down and the poem is meant to be like a hard thought to get out, like i'm just getting what was going on... I'm particularly concerned about the second to last stanza and the transition to the pseudoword phantasmic, i could use phantasms... hmmm

Posted on 07/08/2006
Copyright © 2024 Mary J Anna

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michael Faraday on 07/24/08 at 03:41 AM

enjoyed it, reads very well. :)

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