Being A Pack Apart...

by Steven Craig

A friend is a person that you do your very best for. A friend is a person that you would go out of your way for, taking care of them first, and in almost all cases, you are willing to make some small sacrifices for, to help them reach happiness. Friends are really quite rare, hard to find, harder to keep. Friends are often found going someplace else, while you stay behind.

I have quite a number of friends.

Almost all of them are someplace else now.

They have left to find their dreams, left to work on their schemes. Some you will hear from occasionally. Other friends just disappear like the contrails of a jet plane in the sky, there for the moment, for a while a vivid memory, and then they are gone.

A friend takes a long time to make, and only an instant to lose. When you hold hands with somebody, you may be holding hands with one who will always be a friend, or you may be holding hands with one who will always be a stranger.

The only way that you will know that you have a friend is when that persons feelings and heart reaches out to you in ways that only that person can do. It may well be in ways that no other friend will ever do. It is for the best of your friendship that you give everything for the best of your friend, for that is what they do for you. They give, they toil, they give of themselves, their time, their possessions, because they want to, because they feel elated that they can do as well for you as you do for them.

Friendship does not happen on the spare of the moment, there while you need it, something that you will waste in time. Friendship is something that should last, or else it should never start. Friendship just may be just that, something that may come, even if you don't know that it has started, something that lasts, even though you may never see them again for as long as you both shall live.

I know that for me, friends will come and friends will go, just as I have. I have always spent my life living the best way I can. I will make whatever life I have fit the time that I have left. I will always prefer not to dream alone, but I will dream none the less. I will always prefer not to live alone, but I will live none the less. I will always prefer not to be alone, but none the less, I will still be.


Posted on 06/25/2006
Copyright © 2024 Steven Craig

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 07/09/06 at 12:44 AM

"I will always prefer not to be alone, but none the less, I will still be." how sad! But happily, I am assured I'm never. I have a picture on my bulletin board that my son drew and his dream of my yesterday that, whether I like it or not (and many times I'm notted) that have me convinced I'm not alone, even when I'm throwing the worst temper tantrum I've ever had in my life(and I'm grown up for crying out loud). It can be a burden. But what a sweet one.

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