here and gone by Bet Yeldemrough draft.
ive been dancing along the edge of here and gone
thought the emptiness inside would subside somehow
after i stopped searching the shadow of the moon
for answers to quiet questions that linger on my tongue
the street lamp casts just enough light to chase away
the fear of the darkness that hides inside of me
you keep staring at me in black and white static
pixels blended just enough to show your silhouette
but i can remember every blink of your eyes
how the corners turned up when you saw me
welcome smile after too much time too far apart
youre coming closer now and i back away
until my heels are in mid air and toes hang on
for dear life to this edge between here and gone
but i think i can fly and i want to find out this time
its do or die and i cant keep this balance forever
take hold and dont let go of this one and only shot
to walk this hallowed ground, kick up the dust and run
away into a gypsy life firmly rooted in wanderlust
my mind reels with possibilities of the impossible
living in rain clouds and sleeping on the stars
the itch of wings growing from shoulder blades tingles
begs for the removal of this old cotton shirt
relentlessly whispers lean back arms outstretched
and i feel ready to leave the jagged edge of here and gone
06/16/2006 Posted on 06/17/2006 Copyright © 2025 Bet Yeldem