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You're right -- this IS insane

by Bet Yeldem

She said you only make me crazy because I let you
But she obviously doesn’t understand the depths of this madness
I don’t allow or not allow anything
Around you there is no such thing as control
And I’m torn between missing you and wanting you near
And hiding in a closet of denial writing an S.O.S.
On the wall with charcoal bits
Begging somebody come get me out of here
But it’s just you and me
Always us two, with this thing, silly string tied round our wrists
Should be so easy to walk away, let go, forget
That day, those eyes, your lips, what the palm of your hand feels like in mine

But I won’t see it, won’t say it, won’t let it be
Give me my blindfold and a nice fat cigar
I’ll puff a new dream in sweet smoky images, pretty ghost-like halos
Will circle us when we’re lying there drunk
And crying and lost in the music that breaks our hearts

We’ll be there and you’ll love me
For all the things I’m saying in my long sighs and silences
You’ll thank me, too,
For keeping it all to myself, and not spoiling the sound
Of insanity -- the voices in our heads
Can continue to do all the talking while we sit, content and quiet
Happily swallowing words that keep poets pensive,
Just the way we like to be, alone and dark.


Posted on 05/29/2006
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 08/13/06 at 01:49 AM

Amazing how we can become so addicted to a person, like a drug. Makes you do things just as insane. I know exactly what it's like to be in the grip of the.... obsession... sometimes known as passion.

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